Free Essay: Schulich School of Medicine Recommendations

Published: 2017-12-28
Free Essay: Schulich School of Medicine Recommendations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Medicine
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1151 words
10 min read

1. Leadership in Schulich School of Medicine

Dr. Jane Rylett has to come up with ways to measure the impact of new leaders and be able to intervene accordingly. Through effective leadership, Jane would be able to identify the areas that are underperforming. Once the underperforming areas have been identified, an assessment should be conducted to ascertain the reasons for the underperformance. If some of the employees are found to be slagging on their job, then it is recommended that the employees are laid off or given warnings (Cugini, Michelon & Pilonato, 2011). The appointed leadership also have to come up with ways to motivate employees. The employees who are found to be hardworking should be rewarded with increased pay, promotion or recognition. According to Ahmadvand et al., (2012), employee acknowledgment may come in the form of an employee of the month awards. The employees should also be supervised continuously so that the issue of improvement in performance that is attained only when performance review is coming up is alleviated. This would ensure that there is the constant high maintenance of education standards in the university. Dr. Rylett should also affirm positive results. Teams thrive when they are individually and collectively recognized for their hard work. This strategy is inexpensive both in financial measure and time. It increases team cohesiveness and performance.

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2. Develop an ownership mentality in Schulich School of Medicine

Dr. Jane Rylett should ensure that faculty members in the newly formed department treat resources available to them as their own. If the faculty members get interested in every aspect of the department, then there would be an increased chance of the faculty members caring about their students. In order to achieve a sense of ownership by the faculty members, Dr. Rylett should first ensure that the right individuals work in the department. Secondly, Dr. Rylett should train and reinforce the “ownership; mentality in the department. According to Saarti and Juntunen, (2011), faculty members have to be provided with opportunities and information that will allow them to act as owners of the department. The individuals who are identified as acting as owners should then be rewarded and recognized. Every faculty member should be aware of their place within the larger team framework. Moreover, the faculty members should simultaneously take responsibility for the department as a team. Through ownership, every member of the department should work towards achieving a common goal that is for a mutual purpose in the department. Although holding some faculty members accountable may be uncomfortable at first, sit is necessary to sustain a high standard of excellence in the department. Dr. Jane Rylett can achieve this through constructive criticism and after a while, faculty members would be able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses thereby growing professionally and personally.

3. Implement an effective form of communication in Schulich School of Medicine

Effective communication will create a smooth transition as the two departments merge. As the faculty members are uncertain of what is going to happen to them, they end us speculating what is in from of them during their free time. The invariable interpretation of clues on what lies ahead of them often lead to paranoia and may develop views that management is conspiring against them. The productivity of faculty members would then drop as member’s waste time discussing false information and consequently lose their motivation. Effective communication would ensure that the faculty members comprehend and internalize the changes expected, promote cultural alignment, control rumor mill, reinforce the desired behaviors in the department and keep the department focused on high customer productivity. DR. Rylett should follow a particular framework that comprehends all stakeholders, follows a particular plan that crafts messages positively and effectively.

4. Build trust in Schulich School of Medicine

At any particular time, when two groups are brought together, issues such as competing loyalties, lack of rapport, distinct cultures and at the same time an increase in workload due to integration. Under the correct conditions, a unified team can be formed regardless of the expected obstacles. Trust can only be established experience, and it is vital the parties that are involved take the pain in the bid to deliver what the another person expects. Dr. Rylett should also accept the uniqueness of some of the faculty members. High performance in any faculty is dependent on the new challenges that will be presented to them. Dr. Rylett should ensure that faculty members apply their creativity and lateral thinking in all the tasks that they are involved in. This will push their boundaries in what they can achieve.

In conclusion, it is vital that the faculty members of the different departments in Schulich School of medicine share the vision of the board. The employees who are found to be hardworking should be rewarded with increased pay, promotion or recognition. Member acknowledgment may come in the form of an employee of the month awards. The employees should also be supervised continuously so that the issue of improvement in performance that is attained only when performance review is coming up is alleviated. The excitement of the new challenges expected by merging the two departments should be reactivated again and again through the department. If Dr. Ryllet uses this approach, then she will foster collaboration, participation, and responsibility. In fact, faculty members would not only set goals that would outstrip management expectations but would also develop as sense of community and pride in the department.


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Saarti, J., & Juntunen, A. (2011). The benefits of a quality management systemThe case of the merger of two universities and their libraries. Library Management, 32(3), 183-190. doi:10.1108/01435121111112899

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Cugini, A., Michelon, G., & Pilonato, S. (2011). Performance measurement in academic departments: the strategy map approach. Public Money & Management, 31(4), 271-278. doi:10.1080/09540962.2011.586240

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